real-world connections


The work of teachers and school leaders in PLC schools is not limited to classroom-only, teacher-only learning. Spaces outside of the school and people outside of the school faculty are important parts of this pedagogical approach. All of the teachers and school leaders in the collaborative are at different stages of fully-enacting real-world learning. We have educators who are supporting sophisticated student internships, implementing project-based learning, fostering the running of businesses in their schools, etc. and they will be resources for other educators in schools that are working on implementing those strategies. All of the teachers and school leaders are clear about two things when it comes to building networks and sustaining partnerships: the work is time-intensive to implement well, and there are ways the Collaborative could help them do this work better.

Our Goal

The Collaborative will provide all of the teachers and school leaders with shared access to community partnerships, and will engage in sustainable, co-created, “real and meaningful” work/service with PLC schools, nonprofits and businesses.

The Workport@PLC

We created The Workport@PLC to coordinate, expand, and enhance the real-world learning efforts across our member schools. Our goal is to increase the number of students who have access to high quality internships and other real-world learning experiences that:

  • align with their interests,

  • expose them to careers,

  • develop their skills, and

  • help them to understand the connections between success in school and work.

At the same time, we want to ensure that these experiences have positive impacts on all participants and are equitably distributed across schools.

Any business or non-profit can benefit by offering real-world learning opportunities for students. Learn more here


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